5 Ways to Manage Seasonal Stress in Your Creative Business The festive season is fast approaching. Art fairs, Christmas markets and gift buying are all on the horizon. It can be a time full of seasonal buzz but also a period of high stress. Particularly when it comes to running an art business while simultaneously […]

art business, creative careers, selling art, small business

Sheelah Moloney

Stress Free Christmas

working at christmas

The announcement of the pilot scheme generated a lot of positivity and excitement earlier this year. The Basic Income for Arts scheme is a wonderful boost for the sector after a challenging few years. This research project has the potential to change the landscape of arts professionals for generations to come. So, if you submitted […]

art business, creative careers, selling art

Sheelah Moloney

So you weren’t selected for the Basic Income Scheme for Arts, now what?

basic income for arts scheme

While it might seem impossible, given the strong focus put on social media in the current marketing and communications climate, you can sell art without social media. In fact, you should actively engage in the practice. Building a proactive strategy for marketing your art outside of the realms of social media is not just smart, […]

art business, career advice, creative careers, digital marketing, marketing, selling art, small business

Sheelah Moloney

How to Sell Art Without Social Media

It’s the question that comes up the most often in conversation about art sales, ‘why do galleries take so much commission?’ It is a bone of contention that can stifle a fruitful relationship between artist and gallery before it’s even explored, let alone begun. So, let’s talk about commission and get the matter straight, once […]

art business, art world demystified, creative careers, selling art, Uncategorized

Sheelah Moloney

Why do galleries take so much commission?

girl with money

Having a successful art business is the aim of all artists selling their work. Success is a subjective word though. It’s definition is determined by the goals you’ve set and your overall objectives. That’s why taking a measurement is an important part of running your art business. Here’s why… Benefit of Hindsight Only by taking […]

art business, art world demystified, career advice, professional development, selling art

Sheelah Moloney

Measuring Success

measuring tools

Art sales are hard. If sales aren’t rolling in and you’re doing all you can to generate them, don’t be too hard on yourself. There are a lot of factors involved in closing an art sale. It’s possible that you could make some changes to your approach though. Here are three things that may be […]

art business, art world demystified, career advice, creative careers, professional development, selling art

Sheelah Moloney

Why Your Art Isn’t Selling

selling art

Beating the cringe factor of social media content when you talk on social media. How many times have you heard, the key to social media is to show your face and talk to the camera? And how many times has the idea of that made you want to run screaming from the idea? Every time? […]

art world demystified, creative careers, digital marketing, marketing, selling art, small business, Uncategorized

Sheelah Moloney

How to talk to your social media audience

The best foundation for building a business are good habits. Having these in place make the day to day running of the business easy and trouble free. Your art business is no exception and there are three very important habits to start as soon as possible. Here are the three best habits for selling art… […]

art business, creative careers, marketing, selling art

Sheelah Moloney

3 Best Habits For Selling Art

artist palette

There’s no better time to begin or improve the way you sell your work online. Here’s where to start …

art, artists, creative careers, professional development, selling art

Sheelah Moloney

Art Market

3 tips for keeping simple and effective records for creatives plus a free monthly review template download

art, artists, career advice, creative careers, education, professional development, selling art

Sheelah Moloney

Get The Record Straight