Measuring Success

June 22, 2022

Having a successful art business is the aim of all artists selling their work. Success is a subjective word though. It’s definition is determined by the goals you’ve set and your overall objectives. That’s why taking a measurement is an important part of running your art business. Here’s why…

Benefit of Hindsight

Only by taking stock and looking at the outcome of your efforts will you truly see what worked and what didn’t for your business. It will also reveal what you’ve learned and how you can apply this in the future

Always Learning

It will also reveal what you’ve learned and how you can apply this in the future. The things that go right as well as the things that go wrong are great guides for how, where and why you take our next steps

Joy Theft

By paying close attention to what you have achieved, the goals you’ve met and the opportunities you’ve created as a result, the less it matters what others are doing or how they’ve done it. Comparison is unproductive and unsatisfying. Much better to recognise your own successes.

Running a business alone can be challenging at the best of times and acknowledging you successes is a superb way of seeing your hard work pay off. If you’d like help assessing what worked and what didn’t be sure to get in touch! My Creative Business Advice Intensive was created for a situation just like this. It is possible to have a successful art business. You can achieve this goal.

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