We live in a very visual environment, filled with messages delivered via images of all kinds but how can we apply art in the everyday like this to fine art?

art, Art Owners, art world demystified, buying art

Sheelah Moloney

Outside the Box

Look Harder If you missed Ways of Seeing I this won’t make quite as much sense, so go and check that out first and then rush back here for the next installment. For those who are on the Ways of Seeing train already, keep reading … but before you do a BIG THANK YOU to […]

art, interior design

Sheelah Moloney

Ways of Seeing II

Fancy a chat…in pictures? Let’s get thinking about art and most importantly talking to each other about what art means to us over the next few weeks and see what exciting places it leads us

art, Art Owners, art world demystified, artists, community, creative careers, education, health

Sheelah Moloney

Ways of Seeing

Going to the dark side when choosing art

art, Art Owners, buying art, holidays, interior design

Sheelah Moloney

Dark Arts

A break from tradition is allowing us the freedom to seek out the communities that are most relevant and beneficial to us. It’s time to get creative

art, art world demystified, artists, community, health

Sheelah Moloney


Art shopping is one of the most exciting and truly personal shopping experiences of all. The artwork you choose to buy is one that resonates with you in a way that is unique to you. Few other objects can do the same. There are just a few golden rules to follow

art, Art Owners, art world demystified, buying art, interior design

Sheelah Moloney

Buying Art, the rules

It is possible to create your dream designed interior. One that is as unique and enviable as any you will find on Pinterest. What better way to do this than with art!!

art, Art Owners, buying art, interior design

Sheelah Moloney

Design Dreams

Artists, the most talented, intriguing and complicated humans on the planet. Throughout the ages an artist’s ability to create has fascinated us mere mortals. So, I thought I would share some insight into just what makes artists so interesting and important to our world.

art, Art Owners, art world demystified, artists, creative careers, Uncategorized

Sheelah Moloney

About Artists

If you even have a passing interest in art I bet you have a favourite artwork. Perhaps it’s one that you own and enjoy every day, maybe it’s a classic from art history that you saw in a museum or maybe both! Here’s why your favourite artwork is so important…

art, Art Owners, art world demystified, artists, buying art, health

Sheelah Moloney

Love Story

Are you experiencing the seven year itch?? Do you just not feel quite the same way about a painting in your collection the way you used to?

art, Art Owners, art world demystified, buying art, interior design, selling art

Sheelah Moloney
