Struggling to Sell Your Art or Get Noticed? Here’s Why Waiting Won’t Work Many artists feel stuck, waiting for gallery representation, exhibition invitations, or grant approvals. If you’ve ever felt like you’re stuck waiting for an open call, a grant approval, or a collector to take notice, you’re not alone. But waiting won’t bring you […]
What the discount trend tells us about art sales Whoa!! Black ‘Friday’ has grown legs and now stalks its way through November like a rabid beast slathering its reduced price pressure drool over everything it touches. Once just fodder for an ‘And Finally’ news story where our neighbours across the ocean were fighting each other […]
Lessons from an art fair Art fairs are often seen as the holy grail of art sales and they can be but that’s dependent on a lot of factors and not just simply showing up. Sure, a captive audience turns up with buying in mind but art sales require more than just willing participants on […]
As an artist, you know that summer festivals present an incredible opportunity to showcase your work, gain sales, and increase exposure. These events serve as a practice run for pitching your art to galleries, funding opportunities and residencies and can be a significant stepping stone in your artistic career. If you haven’t applied for any […]
As an artist you may be wondering, is art gallery representation worth it? Worth it is a subjective term and the answer to the question is dependent on what you want to achieve with your art practice. If you are making work to share with an audience then utilising all the resources available, of which […]
Is your artwork covered by insurance? If not or you’ve never considered it, now is the time. Drama rocked the art news world last week of Jeff Koons’ Balloon Dog being smashed to smithereens after being accidentally knocked over by an attendee at the Wynwood Contemporary Art Fair in Miami. I’m a big Koons fan, […]
How to apply big business tactics to your small business As an artist selling your work, you are a small business owner and entrepreneur as well as an artist. So you’ve tripled down on the uncertainty of any given year. But wait, don’t stop reading… stick with me. The good news is that the management […]
How to get free artist mentoring Tis the Season! Nope, not THAT season, funding season. The real Santa Clause for artists. A wide selection of funds are open for applications at the moment. The focus of many of them at this time of the year is professional development. The monies available can cover activities that […]